Monday, April 14, 2008

Blogger Appreciation Day

Darren Rowse of Problogger has declared today "Blogger Appreciation Day [UNOFFICIAL]!"

Here's what Darren says: I’ve been chatting with a few bloggers of late who’ve been feeling a little down in the dumps about their blogging - so perhaps everyone could do with a little lift.

Lets spend today doing a few random acts of kindness and encouragement for our fellow bloggers.

We’re in it together, blogging is about collaboration and together going further than we can by ourselves - so why not help another blogger today by shooting them a word of encouragement, a pep talk, a congratulations, an idea to help them improve or some other positive constructive message. Better still, do it publicly on your blog and tell the world about another blogger who you appreciate.

What a fantastic way to start the new week! And I really agree with Darren ... blogging is a collaboration. It's about community and communication and I know I've said it before, but I consider myself so lucky to have met you all on here.

So, here is a HUGE THANK YOU ... or a few, in fact!

Thank you for every single comment, they really do mean a lot!

Thank you for the inspirational ideas you share

Thank you for the fab tips and advice

Thank you for the warmth and humour

Thank you for 'hugs' and 'smiles'

Thank you for your support

Thank you for your encouragement

Thank you for writing such wonderful blogs!

Some Daffodils for you

(The sun shines when I'm with you!)

Have a lovely Blogger Appreciation Day!


Eldest daughter has had rotten toothache since yesterday, so I have to sort that out before I do anything else, but wanted to get this up and let you know about such an excellent idea.

I'll try and come back later and put some links to all the great blogs I know. And hopefully even call round and say thank you in person, I am making this blogger appreciation day here and having a day off from chasing goals ... my only goal today is to pass on Darren Rowse's lovely feelgoods!



HelenMWalters said...

That's fantastic. I love the idea of blogger appreciation day!

Moondreamer said...

Isn't it? Haven't had much time and it's getting late in the day now, but am calling round at blogs to let them know how much they are appreciated ... including yours!

Thank you, for your blog and for your comments on mine, Helen ... you are much appreciated!


Lane Mathias said...

What a lovely idea! Blogging really is a collaboration isn't it. I never dreamt I could connect with so many people, learn so much and have fun.
Your blog is much appreciated too m'dear. I always come away from your posts with a new thought, something to ponder or with a smile - often all three together! Thank you:-)

Quillers said...

Thank you for the appreciation, Moondreamer, and be assured it's totally reciprocated! Without the other lovely bloggers I'd feel very lonely out there in blogland.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful idea! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Jill Steeples said...

That's such a lovely idea, Moondreamer. Thank you for the thought and just to say that your blog is very much appreciated too!

I hope your daughter is feeling better soon - nothing worse than toothache.

Colette McCormick said...

Thanks for passing this on. It really is a great idea.
Hope your daughter is feeling better I had toothache last week and so she has my every sympathy.

Pacha said...

Oh thanks for passing by honey! Am in hibernation from blogging world and miss it very much and miss reading your blog too. We're all fine thanks. Hope you and yours are good. Please please please stay in touch, Pacha (

Jill Steeples said...

Off topic - I've tagged you for a very short meme!

Moondreamer said...

Lane, I'm with you there, the wonderful world of blogging never ceases to amaze me!

And thank you, what a lovely thing to say, your comments always make me smile!

Or inspire me to write about things ... next moon and women post coming soon, hopefully Monday though this week has been chaotic (in a good way!)


Thank you, Sally!

You were the first blogger I ever came in contact with, and without your original guidance and encouragement, I would probably have done the same has I had the previous time - had a quick look round and then gone off again to do other stuff.

And I would have missed out on so much fun and on meeting so many lovely people ... you will always be appreciated!


Sara, yes it was a great idea, very spontaneous and from the heart and I'm so glad i caught Darren's tweet and link to the post! And it's been so nice sharing it with you all.

And you're welcome! I always enjoy visiting your place.


Maddie, it is a lovely idea, I had such a great start to the week!

You're very welcome to the thought and thank you for yours!

Daughter feeling a little better earlier though poorly again this eve, poor baby! You're right, nothing worse. I will pass on your good thoughts, thank you!


Gonna Be, you're very welcome, it was lovely to share it with you!

Daughter on antibiotics so will hopefully feel better very soon, thank you.

Hope yours is all ok now!


Pacha, you're welcome!

Glad you and yours are ok, hun, you are missed a lot!

Thank you for the email addy, will definitely stay in touch!



Maddie, thank you! Will have a look now but might have to post it tomorrow. I haven't done a meme for a while, they're such fun and just what I need to start the day with!


Karen said...

What a good idea! Community and communication are what it's all about.
I appreciate your blog too :o)

Annieye said...

Thanks for your appreciation. It is reciprocated.

I haven't been blogging long, like you, but I just can't believe the sense of community and friendship. I just wish I had more time - work gets in the way just lately.

Moondreamer said...

Karen, yes a great idea, I think we should do it again soon!

I love the community aspect of blogging, it wouldn't be any fun at all on our own.

Thank you for your appreciation!


Annieye, thank you!

I too have been amazed at how friendly and supportive everyone here is, wish I'd discovered you all sooner!

Hope the pressures of work ease up a little for you soon.
