Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The 15th Post on the 15th Day (Yay!)

I've been fretting for the past couple of days (having stated in writing on here that I intend to put a post up every day), that I haven't written a thing since Saturday. But I have been writing, and have been working on my Student Mum blog (does that count?)

I have posted something on there this eve, that might also be useful for writers/researchers, though it was aimed at students ... we are all students I guess!

My angel calendar page for today says:

Hope is that thing
with feathers,
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune
without words,
And never stops at all.

It's by Emily Dickinson. One of my most favourite quotes is from her:

The sould should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience.

Well, I had hoped to add a longer post, but my poor laptop is huffing and puffing and I really think I should log off and close down for a while (me as well as the computer!) And I've just realised that although I've missed a couple of days, I am posting the fifteenth post and it's still the 15th of January (just!)


Annieye said...

Well done on the 15th post! Great blog - gets the brain cells working.

Now I must get to work ...

Moondreamer said...

"The leetle grey cells" as the wonderful Monsieur Poirot would say ...

Thank you Annieye, hope you had a productive day. I have been busy on Student Mum all day and so have got nothing else done.

Have managed to avoid looking at the surrounding chaos until now ...

(Oh dear! Blogging is terribly addictive, do they have a Bloggers Anonymous?)

Quillers said...

Moondreamer, as you're a meme 'virgin' I'm just calling in to tell you that you've been tagged to do a meme. Visit my blog for details.

Memes are questionnaires that bloggers send to each other, mostly about writing but sometimes about other things. All you need to do is take all the questions from my recent meme and put your own answers to them on your own blog, then tag others to answer the same questions. :-)

Moondreamer said...

Oh dear! I am such a meme virgin, I don't even know how you pronounce it!

Thank you, Sally, will have a quick look now and get back to it as soon as I can, I have a friend on her way round in need of tea and sympathy and big hugs, two daughters hurtling homewards with food as a priority, and empty cupboards ... I am going to be in so much trouble when they realise it's because I have been engrossed on here!


Quillers said...

It's prounced Me-Me, as in 'all about meme'. Well that's what I've always assumed... Maybe I'm wrong ;-)